Saturday, October 10, 2009

You Are What You Eat, So Eat Healthily!

You Are What You Eat, So Eat Healthily!

Do hunger pangs hit you midway through your golf game very often? Does thinking about that sumptuous meal back at the clubhouse and that ice cold glass of beer make you lose focus on your putt for the 17th hole? Maybe it's not just cravings. It could very well be that you need help with eating right!

Diet plays an important role in fuelling your body while you are exercising. Regardless of whether you are recreational golfers who enjoy a social round of nine to eighteen holes on weekends or competitive golfers who can spend up to eight hours a day on the golf course, meeting the demand for fuel and fluid - essentially those of a healthy eating plan – must be your highest priority.

Thankfully for you, we have experts such as Png Wei Leen, Head of Sports Nutrition at the Singapore Sports Council, to provide you with some insightful tips on having a healthy diet.
Golfers of all levels require a diet, which provides a wide variety of foods. The diet should focus on carbohydrate and be balanced with moderate amounts of protein and a little fat from all food groups:

Rice & alternatives
Meat & alternatives, including dairy foods

Tips For A Healthy Diet
Enjoy a variety of foods each day - Priority should be given to nutrient-rich foods.
Focus on nutrient-rich, high carbohydrate foods - Bread, cereal-based foods (rice, pasta, breakfast cereal), fruit, vegetables and sweetened low fat dairy products such as yoghurt and flavoured milk.

Consume small quantities of high fat foods - Butter, margarine, oil, cream, cakes, biscuits, pastries, fried foods and many takeaway and processed foods.

Consume moderate amounts of protein (where possible choose low fat protein sources) – Lean meat, skin-free chicken, fish, eggs, low fat dairy products, breads, cereals, legumes and tofu.

Look after fluid needs - The body needs to be hydrated to perform optimally. (This especially is required for the long hours of time spent on the golf course and in particular, highly important in Asia’s tropical climate!)

Consume alcohol sensibly – That's right, control those mid-game / post-game beer guzzling with your mates!

Here is an example of a dietary plan that one could follow:
- 2 slices toast with thin spread fruit jam- A cup of hot Milo/ coffee/ tea/ juices
- A bowl chicken noodle soup with generous serve of vegetables- 1 medium banana
- 3 pieces plain biscuits- A cup tea with milk
- 1 plate rice- 1 serve steamed fish- 1 serve stir-fry vegetables- 1 serve steamed tofu with minced meat- 1 wedge water melon

* Make sure you consume adequate fluid (at least 8 cups) throughout the day.
Whether you're a professional golfer or a recreational Sunday golfer, the commonly heard maxim of "Your Health is Your Wealth" applies. Gain greater stamina on the golf course for improved scores, be free of the unwanted paunch and ultimately live longer! Start fuelling up the healthy way today!

Taken from

Author Png Weileen is the Head of Nutrition (Sports) at the Singapore Sports Council. She is an expert in her field and regularly contributes to sporting magazines and the Straits Times. She can be contacted at The Singapore Sports Council, 230 Stadium Boulevard, Singapore 397799. (More information from website:

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